Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Made it to Ft. Wayne

Arrived in Ft. Wayne Saturday night from Rapid City (via Minneapolis and Detroit). It was great to see my mom, sister, brother and nephew at the airport! Sunday morning spoke in a Sunday School class at First Missionary Church and had a good conversation about persecuation and, of course, discipleship. Then my family all went for Japanese food to celebrate my birthday! Today has been a busy one as I finished shopping for Cyprus and spent the evening with the Hertzog's talking about Cyprus. They should be joining me in Cyprus the beginning of 2007.

Tomorrow will be a slow day of relaxing before I return to Cyprus on Wednesday. Fortunatly, I don't have to preach on Sunday! I can't wait to see my kids ...

1 comment:

Jon Swanson said...

And it was a delight to have you at FMC. And now, I know where you are writing so I can keep up with some of your thinking. Have a great trip