Friday, November 03, 2006

Additions, corrections and generational curses

Ok, once again I have to make sure a post is not taken to an extreme. When I talk about leading with the word of God, I don't mean that management and organizational skills have no place in the church, but leading by the word of God will be helpful in fulfilling kingdom purposes. Just imagine church leadership that diligently studies the Scriptures to understand what it means to be followers of Jesus in this age, and then leads the church based on their findings. Do pastors even have the time for this kind of Bible study? Imagine if top level leadership in the church was true spiritual leadership, where time was spent in Bible study, prayer, teaching, casting a biblical vision for the Great Commission, making disciples and equipping others to make disciples?

Today at Keystone we continued to discuss spiritual warfare. Too often we - at least in the West - neglect the spiritual powers at work around us. We had some teaching on generational curses. During the coaching session afterwords, my roommate Chris made the insightful comment, 'If I don't deal with my issues now I'll pass them on to my kids.'

How true!

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