It's a beautiful day in Keystone, South Dakota. Most of the people have gone to the state park to look at buffalo, but I stayed back to get some rest and do some reading. While reviewing 'The Missional Leader: Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing World' I came across the following quote concerning the type of leadership the author's believe is necessary to navigate our rapidly changing world. Notice the return to the traditional roles of spiritual leadership ...
Beginning with a quote from Stanley Haeurwas (After Christendom?) they write,
'" We are not Christians because of what we believe, but because we have beenPS - The picture was taken of a coaching session. Pray for this team as we finish ministry strategies this week for Cyprus, England and the Middle East.
called to be disciples of Jesus. To become a disciple is not a matter of a
new or changed self-understanding, but rather to become part of a different
community with a different set of practices ...' Such formation calls for
leaders who themselves have been apprenteiced in the art of formation in the
alternative society of God. These leaders are in short supply within
Protestant North America. Instead, we see a rising demand for the leader as
entrepreneur (to make things happen and drive for success), diagnostician of
health (the church as doctor or therapist), or grower of homogenious gatherings
(forming gated communities in anxious suburban worlds). There is a dearth
of those schooled in the practices of catechesis, confession, hospitality to the
stanger, forgiveness and shaping life as a Eucharistic community.' (page
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