Saturday, October 28, 2006

Walking to church ... again

Over lunch or while walking to the Keystone gym I've been having some conversations with the other leaders here about my 'Church with no parking lots' post (see below). Just a couple of clarifications ...

First, I'm not advocating that we all walk to church. It was a hypothetical situation. (I know you knew that, but I'm clarifying it for others! ;-) )

Second, I'm not advocating house churches. I don't think 'house synagogues' were too common.

Our lives are much larger than our geographic neighborhoods, and our social networks more likely consist of people we work with, meet at social functions or chat with on the internet than with the people who live across the street. The point of the comment was to try to imagine what church would be like if we couldn't cater to a consumer or 'bigger is better' mentality. What things would we focus on if our local mission represented a geographic area within walking distance of our house? How would this change the things we do or the way we think about church? How would our values about church be different if we couldn't drive to the church that had the best programs or the most professional Sunday morning worship?

Hope this helps ...

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